
bottle of B-Chillin
  • Date:
  • December 31, 2017

B-Chillin Review

This Calming Supplement assists you in feeling calm and relaxed by helping both your body and mind focus. It is a unique blend of ingredients that has allegedly been scientifically supported. It is supposed to calm you down drastically in under a half hour, but without the drowsy side effects that often come from calming supplements. B-Chillin alleviates stress and helps your mind focus clearly.

The B-Chillin Formula

B-Chillin is made of the following unique ingredients:

  • L-Theanine: This ingredient is found in green tea leaves. It lowers levels of anxiety while stimulating the making of tryptophan, dopamine, serotonin, and other helpful chemicals that improve your levels of happiness.
  • GABA: This neurotransmitter assists in calming the brain and supporting a peaceful and composed disposition.
  • Holy Basil: Natives have used this sacred Indian herb for many centuries to treat anxiety and stress.
  • Chamomile: Many people use this calming herb for its soothing properties. It calms the nervous system and encourages a relaxed demeanor.
  • Lemon Balm: This ingredient has been commonly used to improve and strengthen coping skills. Additionally, it alleviates gastrointestinal symptoms of anxiety, such as cramping.
  • Chloride, Seawater Trace Mineral Concentrate, and Magnesium: These minerals help improve your body's existing minerals that fight off uncertainty and confused feelings.

The Recommended Dosage

The recommended dose of B-Chillin is between one and three capsules daily. It's advised that you do not take more than six capsules within twenty-four hours.

What is the Cost of B-Chillin?

B-Chillin costs $29.99 per bottle and comes with free shipping. If you buy three bottles at one time, you save 25%. If you buy nine bottles at a time, you save 45%.

The B-Chillin Promise

This supplement is backed by a two-month long money back guarantee. This means you have two entire months to test out B-Chillin and decide whether or not it is going to meet your needs. If the supplement is taken once a day, one bottle should last for up to three months.

Should You Try B-Chillin?

The money back guarantee that B-Chillin comes with is beneficial, since everyone reacts to supplements in different ways. However, this supplement has some incredibly powerful ingredients that have yet to be declared safe by medical professionals. In fact, these ingredients have not even been declared effective.

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