Miracle Oxy-Cleanse 7 Day Total Body Cleanse-Review

Miracle Oxy-Cleanse 7 Day Total Body Cleanse for Weight Loss
  • Category:
  • Date:
  • April 29, 2018

Product Claims of Miracle Oxy-Cleanse 7 Day Total Body Cleanse

Today we review Miracle Oxy-Cleanse 7 Day Total Body Cleanse. Working in your colon and liver, this formula claims to eliminate 5 to 15 pounds of waste from your body in just one week. This formula can also be used occasionally to keep your digestive system regulated.


  • Ozonated Magnesium Oxides
  • Natural Citric Acid
  • Vanadium Chelate

These ingredients make no sense to be used in a 7 day detox supplement. Magnesium oxides are only proven to help with reducing heartburn, which makes sense in this formula, as the citric acid will cause horrible heartburn. The last ingredient, vanadium chelate is only shown in some research to help with diabetes, high cholesterol, or heart disease. We were unable to find any scientific research proving the use of any of these three nutrients to help cleanse your body of excess waste.

Dosage Instructions

This supplement should be taken at an increasing dose throughout the week. Day 1 starts with 4 pills, and every day the dose increases by one additional capsule. The last day, you need to take 10 capsules. Every dose should be taken at bedtime with 6 to 8 ounces of water. After the initial 7 day cleanse, you can take a dose of 4 capsules on two to four days per week for general maintenance. This is a lot of pills to take, especially as the week goes on. With no proven nutrients to help rid your body of toxins, even this high dose will not be effective towards your goals.

Cost and Guarantee

This supplement is not available for purchase directly from the manufacturer. Instead, you can make your purchase online through Amazon. Each bottle contains 49 capsules, which is exactly the number needed to complete a one week cleanse. The manufacturer’s suggested retail price for this bottle is $29.99, but is available for sale for only $19.99, with free shipping on orders over $25.

Like with many companies that do not sell their products directly to consumers, we were unable to find any information regarding a money back guarantee or refund policy. Amazon does not accept dietary supplements in returns, and therefore you will be unable to return this product, should you be unsatisfied with the result.

Summary Of Our Miracle Oxy-Cleanse 7 Day Total Body Cleanse Review

There are a few things we liked about Miracle Oxy-Cleanse 7 Day Total Body Cleanse. The directions do indicate that you can take this supplement occasionally for daily maintenance of your digestive system. The price of this supplement is also not too expensive.

Unfortunately, we have many concerns in regards to this product. First of all, the formula does not include any ingredients that will actually aid your body in the excretion of waste. Secondly, the dosing of this product for the 7 day cleanse is extremely high, needing 10 capsules on the last day. Next, the manufacturer does not offer this product for sale directly. Lastly, due to this, there is also no money back guarantee for this product. For these reasons, we cannot recommend this supplement to help you cleanse your body.

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