Will Quit Nits Eliminate Your Head Lice?-Review

Quit Nits Review
Here is our real life honest review of Quit Nits. We understand how problematic head lice can be and we wanted to review a few products and give you information the best products available for treatment. Quit Nits is an impressive product and with our thorough analysis, we really believe this is a great product. Let's take a look at what we found out about Quit Nits. Head lice are very hard to get rid of and we found that Quit Nits is a product that helps to completely get rid of them. Head lice are tiny bugs that infect the scalp and hair follicles. They feed on the blood from the scalp and can itch very badly. They can also infect clothing and bedding in the home. Quit Nits is one of the most highly used products on the market for the elimination of head lice and we wanted to know why. We brought the product to our examining table and took a good look at what it's all about. Head lice is not limited to one person and can infect the whole household. Treatment needs to be done on every family member and the bedding needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Lice are very contagious and can jump from one person to another. They can live on pillows, in clothes and on personal items such as; brushes, hats and hair accessories. Lice reproduce very quickly and lay their eggs in the hair. They are very sticky and can easily be seen near the scalp. Lice eggs are called nits and they hatch very quickly within a week. The adult lice are always laying eggs, so they have a very fast and strong reproductive cycle. This is why aggressive treatment is almost always needed for lice infestations. Lice infestations are very common among school age children and children in daycare. You may find several different lice treatment products on the market and are not sure which to choose. That is why we are here; we thoroughly analyze common products and give you the best that we found. Quit Nits uses homeopathic ingredients that are safe for use on anyone at any age. It does not contain pesticides or chemicals. Even so, the formula really does work very well to eliminate head lice.
Product Claims
This product claims that it can completely eliminate head lice within a short time period. They claim the product is safe for children and pregnant women and does not contain harmful pesticides. They also claim that head lice can be controlled even after the first use. Lice need to be controlled quickly so that the infestation does not spread to other people and family members. Quit Nits claims that it is an effective and safe solution that works fast. According to our findings, these claims are true and this is a really good lice product. The product has been around for many years and consumer reviews state that it really does work well to remove head lice.
Cost and Money-Back Guarantee
An entire treatment of Quit Nits to clear head lice will average around $70 and this kit treats everyone in the house. For single use, the kits are around $15 each. You can also buy a spray treatment for $10. Rarely, you may need more than one application. Quit Nits works so well that you will most likely be rid of head lice after the first few applications. You can return the product to the place of purchase if you are not satisfied or have a reaction to the ingredients, however this is highly unlikely with this product. Always check with your physician before using if you have allergies.
Quit Nits Final Review
Quit Nits is a highly effective product for removing head lice. With head lice the infestations can at times be hard to clear and you may need more than one treatment to get rid of them. Quit Nits comes in many different forms and the type you choose is up to you. You can either put it on dry hair and rinse in 10 minutes or you can apply overnight and comb the nits out in the morning. The most important part of complete removal is combing out all of the eggs or nits to prevent hatching. We were very pleased with the effectiveness of this product and recommend it for head lice. Quit Nits proved it was a good product and tested by consumers over time. Consumers also raved about the fresh clean smell of the product. You can also use it for lice prevention after the infestation has cleared. Just remember to wash all bedding and clean personal items to prevent re-infestation or the spread of head lice to others. Personal items need to be soaked in alcohol and all nits removed from their surface. Encourage kids to not share personal items and pillows during a lice infestation. You possibly may even need to quarantine one child to another room if the infestation has not spread. No product can ever get rid of lice alone, you will need to take measures to completely clean out the infestation. With a little work on your part, Quit Nits is truly a competent product and we can assure you that use of this product will help control and eliminate head lice if used correctly.