Zenwise Health Digestive Enzymes-Review

bottle of Zenwise Health Digestive Enzymes
  • Category:
  • Date:
  • April 6, 2018

Product Claims of Zenwise Health Digestive Enzymes

Zenwise Health Digestive Enzymes is a supplement designed to improve digestion. It contains special proteins called enzymes which can break down large and complicated food molecules into smaller and simpler ones. This improves food absorption and reduces the stress of digestion on the stomach and intestine. There are also other ingredients to relieve the symptoms of digestive distress and to improve the levels of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. This supplement is supposed to be especially for people who suffer from Irritable bowel syndrome.


  • Amylase
  • Glucoamylase
  • Lipase
  • Protease
  • Invertase
  • Maltase
  • Cellulase
  • Bromelain
  • Lactase
  • Papain
  • Green Papaya
  • Apple Pectin
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Fennel (Seed)
  • Peppermint
  • Bladderwrack
  • Nori
  • Wakame
  • Inulin Prebiotic
  • Multi-Strain Probiotic

Amylase, glucoamylase, invertase, maltase, cellulase and lactase are enzymes which break down carbohydrates. Carbohydrates sometimes cause intestinal distress because they are chemically complex and there are some carbohydrates that humans can’t digest (like cellulose). For some people, these are not an issue as they simply pass through the intestine, but for others it can cause a mild to severe discomfort. Protease, bromelain and papain digest proteins. Most people struggle less with protein digestion, but they can slow down the movement of food through the intestine, which contributes to discomfort. Fats can also slow down movement, and so lipase is added to break them up and ease the passage of food through the digestive tract.

Papaya softens food to make it more easy to digest. Apple pectin, nori and wakame all contains high levels of fiber. Fiber solidifies digestive food to make it easier to move through the intestine. Turmeric improves metabolism and ginger reduces feelings of nausea. Peppermint and fennel contain compounds that calm the smooth muscle around the intestine. This helps to relieve spasms and inflammation. Bladderwick increases levels of thyroid hormone which can help to speed up sluggish digestion.

The last set of ingredients is a probiotic complex. Probiotics improve levels of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, which improves digestion overall.

Dosage Instructions

One capsule can be taken before each meal. Each capsule contains 350 mg of digestive enzymes and one billion colony forming units of probiotic bacteria. Users should not exceed three capsules in one day.

Cost and Guarantee

There are various pricing options depending on how many capsules per package a customer wishes to buy. 25 capsules costs $10.97, 60 capsules cost $15.97 and 180 capsules cost $21.97. There are no bulk purchase options or subscription offers.

The manufacturer states that they offer a complete money back guarantee. They do not state however how long it is valid for or if it applies to already opened products.

Summary Of Our Zenwise Health Digestive Enzymes Review

There are plenty of ingredients in this product, all of natural origin and scientifically proven. It is also suitable for vegans and vegetarians. We are not entirely confident that all the ingredients work together in this product because the guarantee is vague. Only manufacturers with complete confidence in their product are open about the terms of their guarantee. Considering the risk associated with the purchase of this product, we suggest also looking at other supplements.

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