Sitting - The New Silent Killer

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  • Category:
  • Date:
  • April 3, 2018

Sitting is bad for your health. More so than you may think. And with today’s technology-driven world, we are doing a lot more sitting than decades past and it’s taking its toll. A recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that there is a direct connection between the amount of time you spend sitting and your risk of early death. This is not good news for office workers!

Society has moved in the direction of being more health conscious. We pay attention to the food we eat and what we put in our body. The use of supplements has increased and the number of supplements available on the market has also skyrocketed. There are endless reviews online for gadgets and products, such as these Research Verified reviews, and keeping healthy seems to be more accessible now than even 10 years ago. Even the different ways you can workout has increased and there are a huge variety of ways to keep fit.  

photo of woman standing desk at work While we may be more focused on our health today than ever before, it seems that even doing vigorous exercise and making sure to meet the daily guidelines for physical activity may not be enough to counteract the negative effects of the amount of time we do spend sitting. We go from our house, to our car, to sitting behind our desk, back to our car, and then home to sit in front of the TV. So what can we do? Make sure to take a movement break every 30 minutes. You can also try using a standing desk at work, or eat while standing, and split your time 50/50 between sitting and standing.

What Is A Standing Desk?

Standing desks are becoming increasingly popular today. This desk allows you to work at your desk while standing as opposed to sitting in a chair. You can buy these desks custom made or you can simply convert your regular desk by using a pile of books or a box. You simply have to elevate your workstation.

What Are The Benefits Of A Standing Desk?

Sitting all day increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and early death, so reducing the amount of time that you spend sitting can decrease these risks. Standing has also been shown to burn more calories than sitting, helping you to maintain your weight and reducing the risk of being overweight or obese. Standing desks have also been shown to help boost mood and energy, therefore improving productivity overall.

Make A Change

photo of day in the office Like every invention, standing desks and standing all day may come with some downsides. You will have to ease into it and not just switch from sitting all day to standing. This may lead to back and foot pain. This is why it is best to switch your time between sitting and standing. Like everything, balance is important. It is also important to make sure you get some movement into your day while you are at work. Walk over to a colleague's desk to ask a question rather than sending them a message. Walk the long way round to the water cooler, and get up more often. The important thing is to break up the amount of time you spend sitting.

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